基础设施即服务 / Infrastructure as a Service

2022年09月02日 14:22  




IaaS 是云服务的最底层,主要提供一些基础资源。用户需要自己控制底层,实现基础设施的使用逻辑。客户端无须购买服务器、软件等网络设备,即可任意部署和运行处理、存储、网络和其它基本的计算资源,不能控管或控制底层的基础设施,但是可以控制操作系统、储存装置、已部署的应用程序,有时也可以有限度地控制特定的网络元件,像是主机端防火墙。





Today, the key for organizations is to understand the capabilities and strengths of each model and apply them judiciously to enable business innovation and growth. How do you get started? Here are a few simple rules of thumb: IaaS is a simple way to access computing and data storage resources. With IaaS, an organization rents servers and storage in the cloud rather than purchasing and maintaining its own infrastructure. PaaS is a popular choice for businesses that want to create unique applications without making major financial investments. And SaaS, the most commonly used cloud application service, is an important means for organizations to access software applications.



巴斯卡尔·高希(Bhaskar Ghosh)卡尔提克·纳拉因(Karthik Narain) | 文

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