平台即服务 / Platform as a Service

2022年09月15日 15:24  



PaaS是(Platform as a Service)的缩写,是指平台即服务。 把服务器平台作为一种服务提供的商业模式,通过网络进行程序提供的服务称之为SaaS(Software as a Service),而云计算时代相应的服务器平台或者开发环境作为服务进行提供就成为了PaaS(Platform as a Service)。




法国能源企业ENGIE正利用云技术来重塑自己,成为可再生能源、低碳或无碳能源的提供商。这一激进商业模式变革的核心大挑战是了解70个国家的客户喜好,并让这些见解在ENGIE的所有24个业务部门中都可以访问。该公司利用一种PaaS工具为每一位客户创建了单一的、标准统一的视图。ENGIE的营销、销售和服务团队现在可以在没有藩篱的情况下合作,迅速为客户提供量身定制的解决方案。看一个例子:ENGIE正致力于与爱荷华大学(University of Iowa)签订一份50年的合同,帮助该校在爱荷华市的两个校区实现其能源、水和可持续发展目标,其中一个目标是让该校在2025年前实现无煤化。


French energy company ENGIE  is using the cloud to reinvent itself as a provider of renewable and low- or zero-carbon energy. The big challenge at the core of this radical business model change is understanding client preferences in 70 countries and making those insights accessible in all 24 of ENGIE’s business units. Using a PaaS tool, the company created a single, unified view of each customer. ENGIE’s marketing, sales, and service teams can now work together without silos and quickly deliver tailor-made solutions for its customers. Consider one example: ENGIE is working with the University of Iowa on a 50-year contract to help the school meet its energy, water, and sustainability goals on its two campuses in Iowa City. One goal is to make the school coal-free by 2025.



巴斯卡尔·高希(Bhaskar Ghosh)卡尔提克·纳拉因(Karthik Narain) | 文

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