负面偏差 / Negativity Bias

2022年12月27日 09:35  










问责制的根本问题是,它现在所做的只不过是像会计流程那样计算数字。这个流程的计分性质,会产生一个内建的负面偏差(negativity bias),领导人会不假思索就寻找有缺失之处,而这种计分的结果通常就是强制分类,也就是数字或标签的分级系统,有时还会让员工与同侪作比较,以实施分级排名。最近,我与一个客户组织的领导人交谈,他刚做完绩效评核,觉得忿忿不平。“他怎么能给我打3分?我一直都是4分。我在整个职业生涯中,一直被评为最高分!现在突然变成3分,就因为公司只准他给一定数量的4分?”听听这位领导人对他自己和上司做出的痛苦结论。这本来应该是成效良好的谈话,却使他一直在乎一个数字,并且憎恨让他处于这种境地的那个人。并不是只有他如此。最近的一项神经科学研究显示,我们对自己被分类评等,会有被威胁的感觉,也就是说,如果有人以这种方式强制为我们分类,确实会让我们感到不安全。


The fundamental problem with accountability is that it now involves little more than the process of accounting. The scorekeeping nature of this process yields a built-in negativity bias, where leaders reflexively hunt for shortfalls, and the tallying usually ends with a forced categorization — a rating system of numbers or labels, sometimes stack-ranking employees against their peers. I recently spoke with a leader at a client organization just after his performance review, and he was infuriated. “How could he rate me a 3? I’ve always been a 4. My whole career, I’ve been rated at the top! Now, suddenly I’m a 3, just because he’s only allowed to give out a certain number of 4s?” Listen to the painful conclusions this leader is drawing about himself and his boss. What should have been a productive conversation left him obsessed with a number and resentful of the person who consigned him to it. And he’s not alone. A recent neuroscientific study revealed that we respond to being categorically rated with a sense of being threatened — we literally feel unsafe when someone puts us in a box in this way.



How to Actually Encourage Employee Accountability

朗·卡卢奇(Ron Carucci)| 文

马冰仑 丨编辑 

  • 殷召