幕后店 / Dark Store

2023年02月01日 09:46  







我们使用安永的EY Embryonic平台之后也发现,几乎在一夜之间,电子商务策略的地位就改变了,这原本总是列在所有零售商三年计画里的最优先事项之一,现在成了度过全球疫情亟需的生命线。我们发现,零售商从2020年5月到7月,对电子商务的投资、收购与合作金额,约为一百亿美元。这些投资项目涵盖以实现最后一公里服务的物流能力、轻资产营运方式〔例如幽灵厨房(这种餐厅只有厨房设备,但没有内用区)〕与幕后商店(专门处理线上购物的零售物流配送中心),以及一些针对人工智能与区块链数字化功能的产品组合投资。

Using the EY Embryonic platform, we also saw, almost overnight, e-commerce strategies shift from a perpetual top priority on every retailer’s three-year plan to a desperately needed lifeline that could enable them to survive a global pandemic. We found that retailers made approximately $10 billion in e-commerce investments, acquisitions and partnerships from May to July 2020. These investments spanned logistics capabilities to enable last-mile, asset-light approaches like ghost kitchens (restaurants with a space for kitchen equipment and facilities, but no dining area for walk-in customers) and dark stores (retail distribution centers that cater exclusively to online shopping), as well as product portfolio investments geared toward digital capabilities in AI and blockchain.



For some retailers, this past year has accelerated previously existing efforts to innovate. But for many others, it has spurred a great reset of the way they think about consumers’ needs and the future of digital commerce.


以上文字选自 How E-Commerce Fits into Retail's Post-Pandemic Future

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